Higher Barrowfield Barns

Client | Alfa Property Group

Services | Architecture & Planning

Status | Construction

Project Description

Higher Barrowfield Farm is an old farming estate in Eccleston, in the town of St Helens. Nestled in the heart of the green belt will be two distinctive properties of varying scale that replace the derelict, barns that previously sat on the site. Planning was recently approved for the demolition of the two existing barns and the erection of 2 new (5 and 4 bedroom) two storey dwellings of similar scale, mass, and area to the existing timber barns. The house on the larger plot (known as House 1) will have a small 2-bedroom nanny annexe to the rear as a subservient building to the main house.

The look and feel of the properties are intended to be contemporary with clean un-ornamented detailing and large window openings to take advantage of the expansive views out to the Green Belt as well as allowing light to penetrate deep into the property.

3D Illustrations showing various views of House 1 (Render House)

3D Illustrations showing various views of House 2 (Brick House)


Stockport Road


Burn Brae